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Keeping British pilots at the heart of the global community

by Richard Toomer Head of Communications and External Relations

BALPA’s strength is its members. It is a community of pilots that aims to protect the profession and make every flight a safe flight. Of course, the very nature of aviation as a global industry means there are communities of pilots all around the world.

Linking with those pilots, building a global pilot community, sharing experience and harnessing strength in numbers is really important. And that’s one of the reasons BALPA is part of The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA).

IFALPA is the representative body for global pilots. In excess of 100,000 pilots in over 100 member associations around the world are currently in IFALPA membership. You can read more about IFALPA in our previous blog: Who are IFALPA.

IFALPA’s mission reflects the ongoing objectives of BALPA too. On its website it states it aims to “promote the highest level of aviation safety worldwide and to be the global advocate of the piloting profession”.

British pilots have always been important to this global pilot community. In fact, IFALPA was founded at a conference of pilots’ associations held in London back in 1948. Roll on to today and British pilots are still influencing aviation around the world. One way BALPA hopes to highlight this is by bidding to host IFALPA’s conference in 2021.

The conference is a notable event in the world of aviation attracting pilots from all corners of the globe as well as high-profile speakers. In recent years it has taken place in Montreal, New Orleans, Panama City and this year is meeting in Luxembourg where BALPA’s bid was announced. You can read our full press release on the bid to bring IFALPA to Manchester here.

We are confident that our bid will be successful and are looking forward to bringing pilots of the world together in the UK.