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The BALPA Benevolent Fund is a registered charity that helps current and former aviators and BALPA employees plus their families who need support.

This includes anyone who has been a pilot, flight engineer, helicopter winchman or navigator in commercial aviation and current or former employees of BALPA or their dependents.

Do I Qualify?

We consider applications for support from current or former

  • Civil aviators (pilots, flight engineers, navigators, winchmen) with a connection to the UK
  • Employees of BALPA or its subsidiaries
  • Families or dependants of the above
How does the BBF help?

The BBF provides

  • Financial assistance through grants or loans
  • Guidance and practical help, and
  • Funding for education or retraining to realise a firm flying job offer or leading to new opportunities beyond flying
Examples of recent help the BBF has given
  • Redundant Dash 8 captain: funds for an MSc in Management Studies
  • Redundant A320 first officer: set-up costs for a coffee cart business
  • Redundant Dash 8 first officer: help with living costs to cover period of unemployment with significant training debt and mortgage overheads and minimal access to benefits
  • Redundant Dash 8 first officer: help with living costs and an air-ticket to home country, without which they would have been unable to leave the UK
  • Vulnerable former BALPA member incapacitated through illness: practical administration support to maintain and fund household energy supply
How do I apply?
Can I donate to the BBF?

Donations are very welcome, with all contributions to our main fund supporting colleagues across the aviation industry.

To donate to the BBF, please click on the following link: http://www.kindlink.com/charity/BBF-The-BALPA-Benevolent-Fund/profile

Can I directly help colleagues and former colleagues from my airline?

As part of our response to the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve launched an initiative allowing pilots to donate and directly support colleagues and former colleagues from their airline.

Virgin pilots are already donating this way via BBF@Virgin http://kindlink.com/fundraising/BBF-The-BALPA-Benevolent-Fund/virgin.
We are discussing similar support for other UK aviation companies.

How long has BBF been around? Is it part of BALPA?

The BBF was established by the British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) in 1963, however the capital and awards are now managed completely independently by a team of experienced trustees and professional advisors.

Applicants do not have to be members or former members of BALPA