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BALPA welcomes Government’s aviation no-deal Brexit guidance, which gives grounds for confidence, but airs concerns over administrative burden

The British Airline Pilots’ Association (BALPA) says new Government guidance for the aviation industry published today on what would happen in a no-deal Brexit has brought some much-needed clarity.

The pilots’ union says that while a deal is still preferable, it’s relieved that the Government is helping the industry to understand what will be needed if we leave the EU without a deal in March 2019.

BALPA General Secretary, Brian Strutton, said:

“For pilots in particular we are pleased to see some clarity on the Government’s intentions on pilot licences in a no-deal scenario which we have been seeking for some time. The level of detail in the plans shows the Government is taking the future of aviation seriously and gives grounds for confidence that contingencies are in hand for even the worst case scenarios. However, a deal or partial deal that keeps the UK in EASA is the Government’s primary objective and would remove the need for much of this planning.

“The other side to all this is the sheer scale of the administrative burden required to keep planes flying if there is no deal on anything with the EU. On pilot licences alone, if some UK licence holders have to switch to an EU licence this can take each one several months and so an efficient, fast track approach is needed for all these processes and the authorities need to be properly resourced to carry them out.”