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Ryanair reject BALPA olive branch – Strike will go ahead

Following their victory in the High Court earlier today, BALPA offered an olive branch to Ryanair as a way of moving forward – a framework to allow constructive negotiations to take place which, if agreed by Ryanair, would avoid the need for strikes.

Sadly, Ryanair has rejected this offer out of hand which means our planned strike of UK pilots employed by Ryanair will go ahead.

Brian Strutton, BALPA General Secretary, said:

“Ryanair foolishly tried to stop our strike in the High Court today and failed. Despite that, we extended an olive branch to Ryanair as a way of getting back around the table and calling off strikes over the next two days. We are extremely disappointed that Ryanair have taken such a belligerent and negative stance. We have become used to their macho posturing, but sadly it is their passengers who will pay the price for Ryanair’s attitude.”