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14 day quarantine for travelers ‘far too blunt a tool’, says pilots’ union

BALPA, which represents the UK’s airline pilots, has called on the Government to refine and clarify its proposed 14 day quarantine period for inbound travelers, which it says as currently proposed is far too blunt a tool.

Brian Strutton, BALPA General Secretary, said, “A blanket 14 day quarantine period covering the whole world – except Ireland and France apparently – will significantly damage the the travel and tourism industry and therefore the whole economy. We have seen no evidence that such a blanket policy is needed and would strongly urge the government to move to a targeted and tailored approach according to destination and risk.

“In addition, the industry needs to be able to plan. So far we don’t know the start date, the proposed end date, when and how the policy will be reviewed and what the stop and start criteria for the policy might be.

“When other countries are opening up their borders and using evidence-led, targeted approaches, this feels like a bludgeon which will simply do huge economic harm.

“We also need to see more details such as what the list of exemptions might be – that must include crew, although we have not had that confirmed yet.”