Pilots say greedy Ryanair is failing its staff as pilots continue to sacrifice wages
Pilots who’ve faced huge pay cuts to help Ryanair though the COVID crisis are asking why they’ve been overlooked when it comes to the airline’s recovery. Pilots at East Midlands Airport have been told they’ll be taking a 70% reduction in pay this winter despite the company’s CEO, Michael O’ Leary, saying the airline is showing “very strong recovery” and “is expected to fly 10.5 million passengers per month in September, October and November”, exceeding the estimated passenger numbers given earlier in the year.
Ryanair is expecting to reach pre-covid capacity in October. The company is also looking at making an additional order for aircraft on top of the already announced 210 Max 8 planes.
Meanwhile Ryanair is telling its pilots located at East Midlands Airport, who’ve already faced months of reduced pay and uncertainty, that they will be again taking massive pay cuts and many will be flying for less than £1000 PCM. These pilots along with the rest of the UK Pilot workforce have already agreed to a 20% reduction in pay over the last 18 months. With associated COVID-19 restrictions that have been in place, twice requiring a ramp up from zero flying, the overall effect is an average reduction of 50% in pay.
BALPA’s Acting General Secretary Martin Chalk said:
“On one hand Ryanair is claiming it is recovering strongly, while the other hand is grabbing wages from the staff.”
“Many pilots have had to get second jobs or use life savings to survive. This feels like it has gone unnoticed by Ryanair management who appear to have zero concern for the wellbeing of their pilots. The prolonged stress caused by this inaction by Ryanair could have long term effects.”
“Ryanair’s loyal pilots have sacrificed their pay to support the company throughout this crisis. Now it is time for Ryanair to recognise the sacrifice, support its pilots and stop treating them as just an item in the expenses column.”