BALPA welcomes world first Net Zero flight as a good step towards sustainability.
The British Airline Pilots’ Association says the Government’s investment in the world’s first net zero flight is a good milestone on the flight path to aviation sustainability. BALPA is now encouraging the Government to continue work with the whole aviation industry, including those with direct operational experience, to support UK aviation as it reduces its negative environmental impacts. The pilots’ professional association says its keen to see action introduced to normal airline operations.
BALPA is pleased to see Marc Stettler, an expert in particulates and contrail formation, is involved in the project and hopes this will also help to raise the profile of contemporary science which shows that tackling persistent contrails could help reduce the impact of flying on radiative forcing.
BALPA General Secretary Martin Chalk said:
“BALPA welcomes the Government investment in projects like this which will help aviation become greener. We hope now that the support and focus will continue and broaden to allow research into other green initiatives such as contrails.
“Research so far shows that tackling persistent contrails could quickly and easily help the sector reduce its negative impact on radiative forcing and BALPA is keen to see investment and research in this area.”