Later this week, hundreds of pilots from around the UK will gather for BALPA’s 2023 Annual Delegates Conference (ADC). But what is the two – day event about and why is it so important? Here is our ABC of ADC…
A for Agenda setting
A key role of BALPA is to act as the voice of pilots. But to be able to speak out with authenticity and authority we need to gauge what is important to our members.
At ADC, pilots – our members – get to meet, exchange ideas and put the issues that are affecting UK flight crew under a microscope. The event includes speeches by prominent industry experts, workshops on relevant topics and break out discussions.
This year topics on the agenda include Reduced Crew Operations, the regulatory environment post-Brexit, the future industrial landscape, equality and diversity and much more.
The event helps reps and staff determine what is important for British pilots in the current climate, work out what BALPA’s priorities will be for the next year and define how we can push forward in those areas.
B for Business:
An important part of BALPA’s ADC is of course the housekeeping that ensures the organisation is run in an efficient, legal and responsible manner. A large and important part of the event is dedicated to this.
C for Community:
The strength of BALPA is that it is a community of pilots. Delegates at the conference include representatives of all company councils, BALPA’s National Executive Committee composed of elected pilots as well as BALPA’s staff. ADC is a time for pilots from across the UK community to gather, network, exchange experiences and for the organisation to estimate the general feeling of pilots.
This year, BALPA will host a family event with representatives from all areas of the aviation sector attending with their families and loved ones, alongside the CAA and representatives of the ECA and IFALPA.
So, ADC isn’t just another meeting. The pilots gathering will be representing you, sharing their experiences from the last year and helping focus BALPA’s agenda for the coming year. ADC helps us ensure BALPA remains the voice of UK pilots – working to keep it a great profession to work in.