BALPA responds to The Jet Zero Taskforce
Regarding the announcement from Government on the creation of The Jet Zero Taskforce, BALPA General Secretary Amy Leversidge has said the following:
“We welcome the creation of the Jet Zero Taskforce – it is vitally important that we build a sustainable future for aviation. We hope that the taskforce is a vital step towards establishing a cleaner, greener aviation sector and ensuring the UK remains at the forefront of innovation while securing the future of our world-leading aviation industry.
Environmental sustainability is a key priority for BALPA, and we were proud to be an active contributor to the work of the Jet Zero Council, the forerunner to the Taskforce. As the trade union and professional voice for pilots, we bring a unique and highly skilled perspective and we will be eager to engage with the new Taskforce to ensure that pilots’ expertise and worker voice is central to the changes that are needed to transition to a sustainable aviation industry.”
BALPA is the voice of UK pilots.