BA pilots name strike dates
The British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) has today given notice to BA that it will call its members to strike on 24th and 25th August, and 5th September.
Several days of ACAS talks have not resulted in any significant movement from British Airways at all. BALPA put forward a number of options to resolve this dispute without a strike, including a package of measures which we would be prepared to recommend to our members for acceptance. BA has refused to accept this final suggestion as a way forward without a strike.
In these circumstances, and with a 93% ballot in favour of taking industrial action, we have no choice but to call this action.
Brian Strutton, BALPA General Secretary, said, “We know, and BA know, that the cost of one day’s strike action will dwarf what it would cost to settle the dispute. Rather than working with us to find a peaceful resolution, this has turned into BA refusing to be seen to back down. That is not a sensible way to conduct negotiations.
“This is genuinely not what we want to be doing. This could have been settled by now, but BA’s refusal to recognise reality and deal with its workforce properly, will mean its own customers sadly pay the price.”
British Airways is an extremely profitable and successful company, and pilots have been proud to play their part in that. In 2018 the company announced profits of £2.1bn.
Over recent years BA pilots have made sacrifice after sacrifice to assist the company such as productivity increases, closing the final salary pension scheme, giving up annual leave days, a new rostering system, and reducing flying pay.
The company is no longer in a fight for survival, but the cost-saving and penny-pinching apparently continues. BA needs to invest in its staff and reward their commitment and sacrifice, and give up on this macho management style which will cost everyone – the company, pilots and passengers, dearly.